Florida Glitch Cycle Building
Code Software Released
EnergyGauge FlaRes and FlaCom software products have
been updated to meet Florida's mid-cycle code change
- order your update today.
Residential (FlaRes) | Florida
Commercial (FlaCOM) |
New FSEC Web Site
We have redesigned our Web site to be more informative
and user-friendly. Take a look and
let us know how we did by
taking our survey. By completing this survey, you can
help us continue to improve our site.
New Web Site | Web Site Survey |

Handlers: An Appliance of Airtight Defiance?
A study of air handler tightness was conducted using 69
heat pump, gas heat, and
hydronic heat systems. Air handlers in Florida single-family
homes built after January 2001
were tested during the period from June 2001 through June
2002. Testing occurred in 23 units in
attics, 23 units in garages, and 23 units indoors.
Publication (pdf) |
Lighting, Electronics, and Miscellaneous Equipment
Electricity Use in New Homes
This paper compiles and reports the results of several
independent studies that shed light on the consumption
of “other” end-uses
in new homes. Generally, the studies collected data
using two different methodologies: whole-house monitoring
or device-level metering.
Publication (pdf) |
Financial Barriers to Low Energy Buildings: Experiences
from the USA and Europe on Financial Incentives and
Monetizing Building Energy Savings in Private Investment
This paper examines complementary policies in both
regions that are creating a more
favorable environment for such investments. The paper will
explore new options to
financing and identify areas where the European Union and
the United States can cooperate.
Publication (pdf) |
It Right Matters: Why Efficiency Incentives Should
Be Based on Performance and Not Cost
This paper offers
observations about the strengths and weaknesses of two
financial incentives: performance-based and cost-based.
Publication (pdf) |
Much Energy Are We Using? Potential of Residential
Energy Demand Feedback Devices
Past studies of providing instantaneous feedback on household
electrical demand show promise to reduce energy consumption
by 10-15%. This paper surveys past research and describes
a pilot evaluation of two low-cost monitoring systems in
case study homes.
Publication (pdf) |
Improved Specifications for Federally
Procured Ruggedized Manufactured
Homes for Disaster Relief in
Hot/Humid Climates
The specifications presented in this paper allow for
quality construction and includes renewable energy. This
not only reduces utility bills
during regular operations but provides electricity and
hot water for essential functions
during power outages associated with reconstruction following
a natural disaster.
Publication (pdf) |
2007 Course Schedule Available
FSEC offers many building science and energy rating
classes for designers, builders, subcontractors, utility
representatives, educators, facility managers and others.
Most of our 2007 course schedule is now available for
Science | Florida
Energy Raters |