Affordable Homes Rise to DOE’s Builders Challenge
Working with certified home energy rater Chris Carroll of Carroll’s Inspection Services and FSEC, the Brownsville Affordable Homeownership Corporation (BAHC) has completed six (out of 14 planned) energy-efficient affordable houses. Most of them are likely to meet the U.S. DOE’s Builders Challenge.
BAIHP Case Study | About the Builders Challenge |
Green Relocatable Classroom Design Charrette
On June 2-3, FSEC's Chuck Withers led architects, engineers, and facility managers familiar with school building construction in brainstorming strategies for achieving high performance green relocatable classrooms. A summary of the charrette is available.
Email Chuck Withers

Evaluation of the NightCool Nocturnal Radiation Cooling Concept: Annual Performance Assessment in Scale Test Buildings, Stage Gate 1B
FSEC's Building America teams experiment to use night radiation for cooling yields some surprising results.
Publication |
FSEC's Philip Fairey to serve on ISO Technical Committee on Energy Performance of Buildings
Philip Fairey, FSEC Deputy Director, was recently nominated by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to serve on the International Standards Organization (ISO) Technical Committee 163 Work Group 3 on Energy Performance of Buildings. This ISO work group is addressing building performance rating systems in the international arena. The work group includes membership from most of Europe, as well as from China, India and other rapidly developing nations.
ISO TC 163 |
McIlvaine Selected to Advise
Partners in Sustainable Building
Janet McIlvaine, a research analyst for FSEC's buildings division, was selected to be an advisory member for Habitat for Humanity International and The Home Depot Foundation’s new national green building initiative, Partners in Sustainable Building. This program will provide funding and resources to assist in making at least 5,000 homes built by Habitat affiliates more energy efficient and sustainable according to nationally recognized green building standards.
More |
Three Energy Code & Analysis Courses Offered: |
Optimizing Building Energy Efficiency Using the FlaCom Modeling Tool
Learn how to use the Energy Gauge software to evaluate the energy savings potential of various design options. The type of analysis needed for Florida's commercial energy code, federal tax deduction eligibility, green building programs and more. Offered Aug. 4, 2008.
Course Description |
From Blueprints to Residential Energy Code Compliance
Step-by-step guidance as to how to complete a Florida energy code compliance form from plans. Offered Sept. 15 and Dec. 1, 2008.
Course Description |
EnergyGauge® FlaRes Pro Hands-On Training
Maximum use with minimum effort from Florida's Code and Rating Software. For new or experienced users, we'll walk you through EnergyGauge, energy code compliance, and zero energy home analysis. Offered Sept. 16 and Dec. 2, 2008.
Course Description |
Three Green Home Building Courses Offered: |
Building Energy-Efficient Green Homes
Learn how to design, construct, equip and market energy-efficient Florida homes. Offered Aug. 7, 2008.
Course Description |
Florida Green Home Designation Certification Course
Learn how the certification process for Florida's green home designation standard works. Offered Aug. 6, 2008.
Course Description |
LEED® for Homes for Field Agents
This course is designed to take current Florida green home certifying agents, Florida energy raters and LEED® professionals through the LEED® for Homes program in order that they may be eligible to be field raters for Florida homes. Offered Oct. 1, 2008.
Course Description |